Sword of Sonya
Thanks everyone for your patience while I took a week off to concentrate on Free Comicbook Day. It was a first for me and an exciting and educational day. I stayed busy doing free sketches for lotsa kids who showed up and wanted a drawing of their favourite character. Hopefully, they walked away happy. I have to say that everyone I met, parents and kids included were incredibly gracious and friendly and i was glad i had a chance to meet everyone. I have to give a shout out to all the people at Big B Comics in Hamilton who worked so hard all day to make it a great experience for everyone and to the guys from Gorilla Cheese who showed up to provide much needed sustenance later in the day.
After that great day and meeting so many nice people, it’s time to get back to business and here’s this weeks strip to get the ball rolling. I hope everyone has a great week and keeps checking back in at Oddly Aroused central for more great comics. Take care – Jim