Revenge of the Geek Squad
I agree with Agnes sentiments; I think cosplayers are pretty cool people. As a matter of fact, most geeks are just awesome in general…and I’m speaking as a self-confessed geek myself. We just love all kinds of cool and kitschy stuff and we are accepting of just about everyone and their quirks. Whatever you want to categorize cosplaying as; whether it’s a sub-genre of geekiness or a wonderful category all it’s own, the people who practice it are smart, innovative, funny, creative and tolerant of everyone. Perhaps in her subtle way, young Agnes is trying to show Trudy that not all people are judgemental, intolerant and abusive and that somewhere there is a place where people don’t need to feel harassed or threatened because of the way they dress or wear their hair or because of the person they choose to love or the things they collect; and that somewhere they can feel safe and accepted with friends by their side.
Sorry for the lack of strip last week…I’ll try to make it up to you. I’m hoping to start getting more strips up throughout the week and I promise that I will work on getting an art gallery and archive set up in the near future.
Till next week, take care – Jim