Fifty Shades of Trudy
Hi everyone, Thank you for your patience after my two week summer hiatus. I needed that small break badly and I appreciate your understanding while waiting for the next installment of Oddly Aroused. You might have noticed that I lost a few of the sidebar widgets that were on the right-hand side of the page under the comic. In my attempts to make the website better and more navigable, I broke the site somehow. I managed to get it back so that the comic could at least be read, but no links to past strips or to my Jim Collins Art Facebook or Instagram. That will be remedied soon I hope. I think I might need some outside help to get this site running to it’s full potential. Thanks again for sticking in and I hope that you enjoy this weeks strip! Take care!
Great page! I particularly like the combination of shots – outside landscape, flowing to character, flowing to close-up on Trudy. Trudy is nicely threatening in that final panel – is she a villain? Or just a really tough hero? (The answers to these and other questions will be found in future episodes of “Oddly Aroused”… dunh duhn Dah!).
Thanks, pachristian! She already seems more settled into the environment than her sister was when she first appeared in the City of the Damned. Then again, Trudy isn’t alone and she’d already been hit with one magical shock in the present day which might have lessened this surprise slightly. We’ll have to wait and see how she fares in this savage past.
My only critique (and I really like your cartooning style) is that Trudy’s arms seem a little small in the second panel. It doesn’t look like foreshortening. Was that intentional?