I appreciate that very much khelatar! I really try to do my best and improve my drawing skills. I really need to work on backgrounds though. That’s my weakness and I should be practicing that as well as my figure drawing. I’d hate to short-change the readers by doing shoddy work. The fact that you guys and gals keep reading every week keeps me trying to do better.
Is there a right sister to piss off ?!
I think between Agnes and Trudy, I’d take my chances with Agnes. She just seems a little more forgiving than Trudy might be.
Now THAT’s what I was waiting for!
Go Trudy!
Trudy would appreciate that you’re in her corner, Pachristian!
Really love the art lately, both the linework and coloring. There’s a big difference if you look back at the early strips.
I appreciate that very much khelatar! I really try to do my best and improve my drawing skills. I really need to work on backgrounds though. That’s my weakness and I should be practicing that as well as my figure drawing. I’d hate to short-change the readers by doing shoddy work. The fact that you guys and gals keep reading every week keeps me trying to do better.
Also noting that the fizzle came as a surprise to everyone involved…
I’m glad you noticed that. Aelaine certainly didn’t expect her spell to fizzle out as it did. I wonder why that would be?