A New Chapter
Where do I begin? First of all, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! 2020 has been, to put it bluntly, a shitshow. One of the few redeeming things is that we were all in it together and even though we were apart and in isolation, in an odd way it brought us closer together, unified in a common cause. I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and that wherever you are, in whatever part of the world that you hail from, you feel safe, secure and happy. Life is certainly challenging enough on a good day, let alone with what we’ve been dealing with on a daily basis for the past year.
To start the New Year off right, I wanted to have a brand new Sonya Crimson comic waiting for you and I’m hoping the title, A New Chapter is prophetic in more ways than one. A New Year always marks a new beginning and a fresh start; it looks forward to a bright future and promising change. Marcus Aurelius said that our life is what our thoughts make it, so keep that philosophy in mind when facing the new year and it’s challenges.
Getting the comic back up and running was one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do, creatively speaking. I’ve set the schedule to bi-weekly to make the pace less relentless and to open things up creatively. I want to make this comic a joy to read and create. I won’t stick to deadlines religiously as I want to keep things flexible but I will do my best to make it an enjoyable read and get it out to you as regularly as possible.
All the best and Happy New Year!
Great opening!
Thank you, Peter!
…and she’s back!!!
I look forward to reading along.
Great job love
Thank you, babe! I look forward to it as well 😉