Whatever happened to Johnny Gage?
Oddly Aroused Update!
Here, as promised, is this weeks comic in all it’s spectacular, technicolor glory. I wasn’t sure if readers here would prefer that I kept the B&W version up and add the colour strip as a separate addition or replace the B&W one, as I’ve done here. If you’ve got any thoughts or opinions on the matter please leave a comment and let me know. In the meantime, enjoy the comic and keep your internet tuned to this very spot for the next installment coming soon. Take care, everyone! – Jim
How’s that title for a complete Non Sequitur? A very few out there might recognize the name, Johnny Gage and his partner Roy DeSoto from the great television show, Emergency, from way back in the day. He has absolutely nothing to do with this comic and probably won’t…ever. But seeing that word Emergency in big red letters in the first panel got me in a nostalgic mood for that long lost show. And since this weeks strip is a flashback sequence, I thought it appropriate somehow…more or less 😉
You might notice that there is a distinct lack of colour in the strip this week (aside from the aforementioned word), but have no fear, I will be colouring it and posting it sometime in the middle of the week. In the meantime, you get to glomp your peepers on some pretty sweet looking black and white loveliness and get a first hand view of my working process in creating the strip. How lucky you are 😉
See you all here very soon with Oddly Aroused in it’s full technicolor glory, then on with the continuing saga next week.
This is Johnny Gage…er…Jim signing out till next time!
Actually, the fact that we can see the pencilling and the inks, and not the colours gives an idea as to your process.
And the girls’ lines suggest that I was right about “not trusting teenage boys”?
I debated a bit whether I should put the black and white version up or just wait till I had time to finish the colouring, but I thought it might be a treat for everyone to see it in progress. As a fan, I kind of like to see the rough sketches and b&w ink drawings of an artist.
You probably know my feelings about sketches, pencils & inks. I posted often enough at LoB … but, never any worries as far as I’m concerned. I love watching the the work evolve to the final. I suppose it feeds my daydream of “some day” having time to get back to art and developing it. Leave me my delusions and allow me to live vicariously through you, please. 😉 😀
The storyline installment today took a far more serious twist than I expected. Until now I’d assumed the eyepatch was just cosplay. Hits me in the feels for it to be “real” in the character universe here. I can relate both to emergency room visits and permanent injuries. Fortunately my eyes are still decent (for my age), but they are fading a bit. Gonna miss those when they’re gone.
Nice storyline. It’s really building in some depth to the characters. I’m all for gags and humor, but a nice bit of drama and life really keeps me hooked.
Funny that you mention Emergency. I grew up watching that (along with Adam 12) when I was a kid in Los Angeles. Even funnier, of recent, my local cable channel runs an hour of Emergency every weekday, so over the past few months I’ve actually caught a few random scenes channel surfing while fixing meals or keeping the kitchen clean. I’ve been amazed at some of the scenes I remember, and how clearly, given it’s been over 40 years ago. I keep stopping when I catch it because of the incredible feeling I get … it’s exactly like being in early 1970s Los Angeles again, almost shocking to look out the window and not see that California sunshine and the mountains in the distance from my childhood. 😆
Yeah, I remember your comments at LoB regarding sketches and black and white art. Thinking of that is what decided me to throw caution to the wind and just post it in it’s raw state. I’m glad I could oblige you 😉
I’m all for gags as well, but if that’s ALL there is, stories and characters get boring, like 2D cardboard cutouts, just reciting their lines by rote.
As for Emergency, that was a must watch for me as a kid. Absolutely loved it, but my favourite show set in that locale and era was (and still is, in spite of all the great TV now) The Rockford Files. Great writing and characterization and I suspect that the universal appeal of James Garner didn’t hurt either. There’ll never be another like him.
“Until now I’d assumed the eyepatch was just cosplay.”
Me too, I was thinking Gertrude was pretty hardcore walking around with an eye covered all day.
Hardcore with a sprinkle of badass…!
Nailed it!
Thanks 🙂
Shiet just got real …
As the saying goes: “you won’t have any fun until someone loses an eye.”
True dat 😉
Very nice finished work. Those cuts on her jawline just looked like dirt or something in the sketch. The mystery of what actually happened deepens. Lesson: never stick your face in a burlap sack full of bobcats. I learned that the hard way, I now pass my hard-earned wisdom along to another generation.
Thanks, 3X! we might never know exactly what happened, but you can bet it didn’t end well for the person who did that to Trudy.
Shall we just say that they will never again order “crushed nuts” with their ice cream? :devil: