on 06/26/2016
at 10:36 pm
Just playing around with colour and stuff trying to see what works and what doesn’t. I’ve been at this four years now (if you include Barwench Tales over at Legend of Bill) and I still haven’t got this webcomic thing figured out. Well at least I’m having fun trying. I will get it figured out one day 😉 Now lets get on with our story and try to get Sonya back in some clothing…But that being said, last weeks comic got 5 times more views than it usually does!! Coincidence? I think not!
BTW, we just saw the Warcraft movie today and i gotta say, I loved it! For the Alliance!
See you right here next week – Jim
That’s quite a gorgeous-looking strip. Love the coloring!
The glowing necklace… Hasn’t really occurred to me before, but Sonya Crimson of Asurria is wearing a stone that’s identical to uncle Flannery’s piece of 1795 meteorite. Now there’s an interesting tidbit.
Thanks, khelatar! Is the stone Agnes wears a recreation of the necklace that Sonya Crimson wears or is there something more complex going on? I don’t know myself, I’m just along for the ride. Barring any snags or production constraints, only time will tell. There is a lot more stuff going on under the surface than is immediately evident.
Hot lead, cold iron, and salt. Apply liberally along with fire and decapitation. Kills %99.9 of all supernatural beings.
You seem to be well read on your Sword and Sorcery tropes, balthazar!
Don’t feel that Sonja has to get dressed any time soon on my account! :devil:
Seriously, I like the colours, and the way that they’re being used to censor details.
Well it certainly puts her in a vulnerable position, paws4thot. But I don’t think being sans clothing makes Sonya any less dangerous. And thanks for liking the colours. It was a bold experiment, which in my mind didn’t work exactly the way I had in mind. But we never know unless we try, right!
Just wanted to comment regarding the lack of strip for July 4. Things got a little ahead of me and I didn’t get the strip wrapped up to be posted today. Sorry about that everyone. It will be posted soon though, so keep checking in. Thanks for being patient!