In an Age Undreamed of…
on 07/13/2015
at 12:19 am
A little Sword and Sorcery love for all you Sonya Crimson fans! I make no apology for the nudity in this weeks strip. I can’t help but love those trashy, yet glorious covers from Sword and Sorcery novels and comics popular in the 70’s and 80’s with all those sultry nudes, exotic locales and clashing barbarians. My childhood was spent dreaming of ancient haunted cities, blood-soaked battlefields and fair damsels to be rescued. Not exactly PC in this day and age of social awareness and gender equality (which I am all for by the way), but there it is…a throwback to my misspent youth. I hope you enjoy Sonya’s foray into her rich imagination this week. See you right here next week – Jim