Deep Breath…
Well it was a fun time at the Hamilton Comic Con. It was my first time as an exhibitor but definitely not my last! How much fun being on the other side of the table! Getting to meet and greet with people who all have a similar mindset as me was a real pleasure. The other artists were a real treat. A great group of talented people who were more then willing to share their story, as well as their experience with this late bloomer. I went to sell some pieces and make a few bucks…Well, I did make a FEW bucks but I took away something much more valuable then any amount of money.
Seeing the actors from great shows past made me a little nostalgic. However it brought to the forefront that a lot of time has passed and there has been a lot of water under the bridge. Makes me appreciate that I’m not quite over the hill yet, and that a pretty woman makes us all shine ( Phew..breathe out..) if only for a moment.
P.S. Many thanks to the best Comic-con booth neighbour a first timer could have, John Ridley, who not only gave me some great advice, but also drew me my first Fan Art. It looks fantastic and you can see it in the comments section of last weeks strip or on his great Deviant art page at Inspector 97
Thanks John!
Teehee… boyz… 😉
Hey Jim!,
Great talking to you and your friend / girlfriend / wife / webcomic inspiration? for a LONG time in Hamilton about Zelda (Orioles jersey, Hyrule Warriors, YEAH!). I like what I’m seeing here so far. Best of luck to ya!
Sooo, I don’t have a Facebook (and I won’t!); is there any way I can get my hands on some fine prints (or “print,” singular) of yours (I have money now, haha..Hamilton trip was expensive..) I’ve already looked around a bunch, and I even checked out Etsy looking for some Cold Hands Warm Hearts to no avail. I’d be interested in both, and helping out some supercool people with what little I can.
Not even sure if this is going to go through properly or if I need to sign up for something else. I’ll guess we’ll see what comes out on the other side.
In any event, thanks again for being a cool pair of people, and I hope you get your hands on some new Zelda in the very near future!,
Rob (Mr_Mustache over on NW)
Hey Rob, Good to hear from you! Talking to you and chatting about Zelda was one of the high points of the Hamilton Con for Lila and I. The appeal of these conventions is connecting with people and making new fans, so in that respect, it was a huge success for me. Thanks for your kind words and I’m really glad that you like the strip. Regarding the prints and Cold Hands, Warm Heart, they aren’t available online as of yet. I’m still working on that, but I can drop you a note to your email (which I have from this comment) and get you hooked up, if you’d like. I’d give you a good deal on the prints, no worries.
Thanks again for checking out the site. Don’t be a stranger! – Jim
Hey, talking to you two was a real high point for me, too! I know you guys are there being artists and whatnot, but just shooting the bull like “normal people” is what really gets me. Talking to the wrestlers was alright (though Honky Tonk Man looked as grumpy as possible, what the heck), but you guys and another guy along the wall (not sure who..I should probably know, haha!) about the Orioles for an extended period of time was pretty sweet.
As for my Cold, Cold Hands..its so cold here. Very much looking forward to some soft, warm lavender scented action. Looking forward to talking more, and yes, feel free to email as your leisure! Say Hi to Lila for me!