Rio Bravo
on 06/05/2017
at 11:31 pm
Hello everyone, my apologies for the late strip. I let things get ahead of me with work and family life these last few days. I hope that you enjoy what I’ve come up this week though. I’m not sure if the reference to Rio Bravo is too vague, but If you’re familiar with the movie you understand having to make a stand for what you believe in and for those that you love no matter how badly the odds are stacked against you, sometimes sacrificing your very life for that cause. It’s a theme that I appreciate and one that keeps me coming back to certain stories and movies time and again. I hope you appreciate what I’m unfolding here at Oddly Aroused central and that you stick around and enjoy the ride with me!
See you next week – Jim
Blood and water. If these “sisters” don’t get it, then Quirk is probably right.
“Blood and Water”, I like that! I might use that for a title. But I have a feeling you and Quirk are correct; the Sisters of Trinity don’t get the familial bond thing at all.
The Mistress of the Sword is coming to, but the sisters seem unaware of whom she is.
Bring the popcorn.
“Mistress of the Sword”…you guys are rocking the potential titles right now! But wait…doesn’t Quirk have Sonya Crimson’s sword? How good can she handle things just coming out of a magic-induced coma and without her sword? i guess we’ll find out on Monday…
I never quite understood how people had crushes on comic characters… And here I am crushing on Quirk ;* Enjoying the story also. Pass the popcorn …
It’s okay…I understand the crush thing, i had a crush on Wonder Woman for years (well maybe I still do)