The Killing Proposition
on 03/09/2015
at 12:00 am
Anyone who is a huge fan of comics will probably recognize this little exchange between the two Sonya’s. The theme of light and dark, good and evil, law and chaos run through many classic stories and it’s something I’ve always been fascinated with. This is just my tribute to one of the best examples of that dichotomy ever written and rendered in comic form; the relationship between The Batman and The Joker as shown in Alan Moore’s and Brian Bolland’s The Killing Joke. The Killing Joke is one of the finest Batman stories ever created and I wanted to give it a little nod in this interaction between my own Sonya Crimson and Dark Sonya. I hope you enjoy it! -Jim
Great strip this week. Love the dark atmosphere of it, definitely setting the stage for something interesting (‘what’s going to happen to us in “The End”‘ sounds pretty ominous!!). I still need to get around to reading the Killing Joke, it’s been on my list for awhile.
Could be ominous…or it could just be Dark being melodramatic. You’ll have to wait and see 😉
As always, thanks for reading!
Actually, this would be pretty great even without the referential bit, just for the mood lighting.
Thanks paws4thot 🙂 I wanted to try something a little different for the strip while giving a little nod to a couple of brilliant creators. I like to change things up for the strip now and then! For me, it’s a great forum for trying out new ideas.
Bitch din’t even spring for a Venti ?! lol
I’m not familiar with the specific story you referenced, but I recognized generally the Dark Knight & similar style. I just don’t follow those comics closely enough to be able to pick out scenes & stories. Between this strip and your recommend, though, sure makes me want to place it on my To-Read List. Very nice ambiance; panel #3 those could even be beer cans in a back-ally bar.
Not specifically related to today’s strip, but of general humor & interest related to the Sonya daily life experience:
For anyone who hasn’t seen it, thought that might bring a smile. 🙂
Ah ,,,hit Post too quick. Note: will post a reply shortly on the previous strip with a couple items related to the conversation that took place there last week.
A red haired gal with a sword. You can’t go wrong with that!
Thanks for the link 🙂